Stroud Valley Canoe Club News & Events
Paddling Trips - Most Sundays!
September 2019
White Water Trips
White water trips in the summer comprise occasional visits to
the Tryweryn and to the artificial Cardiff International White
Water course, plus 'ad hoc' trips on natural rivers when levels are
sufficiently high after periods of rain. In the winter the
club organises regular (at least fortnightly, and sometimes weekly)
trips to WW rivers of easy and moderate grade in the SW, S Wales
and Mid Wales.
The following trips are currently in the planning stage. Please
be aware that weather and other circumstances can make these liable
to change so please maintain contact with the trip organiser.
- Most Sundays in winter (provided there is a river within
travelling distance with water in it! For more information, please
contact Dave
Thomas on 01453 860047.
Flat Water Trips
Next trip:
Sea Kayaking Trips
- Mainly a Summer activity, but depending on weather and people's
availability, there could be sea kayak trips at short notice during
the winter months. For more information, or if
interested in being contacted if an opportunity arises, please
contact Dave
Thomas on 01453 860047.
General information on these or other trips can be obtained
from Dave
Thomas on 01453 860047.
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