Pool Sessions

Stroud Valley Canoe Club run pool sessions generally every 2-3 weeks at 7pm at Stratford Park Leisure Centre, in the Indoor Pool during the Autumn/Winter and Spring and in the outdoor pool during the summer.

Indoor pool dates for the next few months, on Saturday evenings, are

  • 25th January
  • 15th February
  • 7th March
  • 21st March
  • 4th April
  • 25th April
  • 16th May

 For all sessions, aim to arrive by 7pm for 7:15 - 8:45 'on the water'.

Equipment Store and Booking Attendance at a Pool Session

We do not curerently have storage for boats and other equipment at Stratford Park, and all our gear is curently stored off-site.  For this reason, we need advance notice if you intend to come to a pool session - the deadline for saying you'd like to come is generally the Friday evening preceding a Saturday session.  You'll need to tell us what equipment you need, and whether you can assist in transporting it to the pool (car with roofbars, or van). Please contact Dave Thomas on 01453 860047. 

Access to Pool

We access the pools directly, rather than going through reception, as follows: 

  • Walk to the left of the outdoor pool and down the service road between the pool and the parkland/children's play area.
  • We access the indoor pool through the door to the left of the large double doors into the plant room, or the outdoor pool through the gate to the right of the plant room. 

If you bring your own boat(s):

  • Either carry them down from the carpark 
  • Or drive down the service road, unload and then move your car either back up to the main carpark or on down to the 'staff' parking spaces further down the service road at the back of the main Leisure Centre building.  The roadway and the area outside the plant room doors must be left clear for emergency vehicles.
  • If the barrier at the top of the service road is down, ask a coach/committee member for details of how to get in
  • Alternatively, when we are in the outdoor pool, the main gate from the carpark MAY be open.

 On another note - remember that YOU are responsible for checking that YOUR boat (whether your own or a boat from the club store) is clean and free of mud, leaves & twigs, snails, etc BEFORE putting it into the water.  The new centre management company is even keener than before to keep the pool water clean and free of debris - and our continuing use of the pool depends on it!!


The club has a variety of equipment and all are welcome at all abilities.

Sessions are staffed by club members who are also BCU qualified coaches or trainee coaches.

For further information please contact Dave Thomas on 01453 860047.

Pool sessions cost £7.

Pool Rules

A buoyancy aid must be worn at all times when in the pool.

The club can only operate a maximum of two "taster" sessions at the pool for individual non-members since more than this would require the club to have an AALA licence issued by the AALS. After this those wishing to continue must join SVCC. Please refer to the membership page for more information and to the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority club reference.