Dart 'Loop' - 28/03/10
The original plan was to visit the Barle, but Exmoor appeared to
misss out on rain during the few days preceding so Dave T, Dave P,
Geoff and Jo (our honorary member from Swansea) decided to visit
the Dart 'Loop' instead.
There was adequate - if not plentiful - water (2 - 3 inches
below the ledge), and it was nice to have the river pretty much to
ourselves. Geoff made further valiant efforts to defend his
club 'swimmer of the year' title, but still managed a clean and
stylish run down Triple Drop - what a pity the camera decided on
that moment to play up, after working fine for the others in the

The wave at Spindrier provided some good play opportunities,
with 'thrills'

and the occasional 'spill'

A very pleasant trip was rounded off with refreshment at the
excellent 'Tavistock Inn'.