Usk Talybont 31 October 2010

On a mild Sunday morning nine members of the club, and club associate Jo, met up at Talybont on Usk at 9:30am for a paddle down to the Gliffaes Hotel. Water levels were on the low side of medium but excellent not to make it a scrape.

Group Photo 1

First half of the trip was lead by Dave P taking through the initial flat bit toward the broken weir just above Mill Falls for a bit of a play around. We then then proceeded down to the falls themselves and inspected.

Everyone decided to run the falls, and all successfully, with Dave, Will and Shane doing repeated runs trying different lines.

Jonny on Mill Falls

Jon on run into Mill Falls


Dave P on Mill Falls

After much time playing we continued on down stopping for lunch just above the rapid leading into Llangynidr.

We then proceeded down this playing on the surf wave with our first casualty in the swim count being, unusually, Dave P having been mowed down by Ollie, our token open boater for this trip.

At this point Hedley took over leadership of the group and we continued past Llangynidr bridge through the very nice bridge and on down to Spuhlers Folly a river wide meter drop. Here we got out and inspected. Most ran the drop down the chute far river right, with Dave T, Andy and Shane choosing to run the main drop.

A little further down after a few sections of grade 2 the get out at Gliffaes Hotel arrived.




Kit sorted a trip to the Bridge End Inn at Crickhowell was definitely deserved.